bronchitis baby

To think we are truly coming to end of the year; to the end of the entire decade. Time is a terrifying concept. Since I have only updated my blog twice this year, I figured we were in for a final post to really welcome the year 2020! I am still gathering my thoughts and ideas on my resolutions, but perhaps I'll have a couple of those to share by the end of this shindig. If you haven't noticed by now, (you so very few humans who actually might read this blog and pay attention to what I say in it), it is December of 2019 and I have yet to move home. In my previous update I mentioned that was my plan; but it was a placeholder plan. One you say, but not one you feel . One you try to tell yourself is true until it either becomes true, or you become so sick of the lie of it, it falls away. Well, the lie eventually fell away, and I had been open to staying in Florida for another year. HEck, I was down to stay in Florida for as long as it felt right! I finally asked myself, "...