Disneyland and Disney Bound.

Hello blog world. Well it's been a hot second. HI HELLO I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN AROUND FOR AN EXTRA COUPLE WEEKS I TOLD YOU I WOULD BE IN DISNEYLAND WHEN I WAS SUPPOSED TO POST NEXT AND COULD NOT BE COUNTED ON FOR ANYTHING RESPONSIBLE BECAUSE HELLO IT'S DISNEYLAND!! SOS PLEASE FORGIVE! I was going to just write the week after to make up for it, and then of course I got busy and totally spaced it. And then here we are at the week I was supposed to write you again anyway. And being someone who just got her wisdom teeth out, and is still a bit swollen, it's a wonder I'm here writing you today at all haha. BUT I AM SO GLAD I AM. HELLO. I LEAVE FOR WALT DISNEY WORLD IN 9 DAYS PEOPLE, THIS IS NOT A DRILL; I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT. A. DRILL. When did we get here? How did we get here? I had so many things on my calendar that were reasons I wasn't leaving for Florida quite yet, but they are all practically marked off and I am suddenly feeling very expo...