It's about time, isn't it? Hellllooooo there. Yes it is I. No I didn't die. I promise this isn't just some dumb New Year's Resolution I was only going to keep for a couple of weeks. I have been wanting to post for months now, but alas, my computer had other plans. Way back when, at the end of June, my computer decided to stop working. *cue snapchat of me saying "RUUDDDDEEAAA"* I couldn't log onto it at all, meaning I definitely couldn't post on my blog. (yes I know there are ways to post on your phone, and yes I know I could have borrowed a roommates computer, but those options didn't suit me aight?) In an attempt to fix it, I drove 30 minutes to an Apple store in the middle of some Florida mall. Of course it was insanely busy and I didn't have an appointment. Thankfully, some nice cute worker came over to see what the problem was. And there I learned that I had something they called a "vintage mac." It was an old model...