
Showing posts from March, 2018


Hi there blog. I didn't know if I would want to write today, and part of me still doesn't. But it is always so therapeutic so I am forcing myself to at least write a little bit. Last week I didn't write much because I didn't have much to say. This week I have so much to say I don't know how to say it all. The thought of writing the contents of all of me is so daunting, but the urge to put the me in this moment in ink is a powerful urge. One I can't completely drown out today. I've had a rough week. Now, before you get your panties in a wad too excited; it hasn't been rough in any traumatic sense. I have not been in the hospital or had a close family member die. Everyone is healthy. Everything is sound. But, I've had a rough week. And sometimes you don't want to talk about that. So I know people in my every day life might be confused at this, or ask, "Why didn't you say anything?" But even though I wear my heart on my sleeve, an...

Thoroughly Modern Disney Roommates.

I don't have much to say this week. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME From last speaking to you I have opened a musical and found Disney roommates and those have been the most exciting parts of my life. So HEY I OPENED A MUSICAL! Thoroughly Modern Millie @ the Terrace Plaza Playhouse February 23 -- April 07             7:30 pm  We have only been open for a couple of weeks, but there have already been some adventures let me tell you what. First of all, our beloved Jacci who plays Mrs. Meers has gotten PNEUMONIA, literally pneumonia, and so she has been out all week. We don't have doubles or understudies, so we literally (literally trash with how many times I just said literally) had to find someone who has played the part before and was willing to fill in. Thank you Melissa , holy crap . She filled in and she hasn't played the role in years; girl I don't think I could do that, but she did it so effortlessly! A true professional. An...